Investor Relations

  • Registered office in the Cayman Islands

    71 Fort Street
    PO Box 500, George Town
    Grand Cayman KY1-1106
    Cayman Islands

    Principal place of business in Hong Kong

    5/F, Manulife Place
    348 Kwun Tong Road
    Hong Kong

    Company’s website

    Company secretary

    LAI Janette Tin Yun
    Tricor Services Limited
    5/F, Manulife Place
    348 Kwun Tong Road
    Hong Kong

    Compliance officer

    XUE Yuchun
    Room 302, Unit 2, Block 8
    Olympics Garden
    Meishu Court Phase 2
    18 Huanhu Road
    Dongxihu District
    Wuhan, Hubei

    Authorised representatives

    (for the purpose of the Listing Rules)

    XUE Yuchun
    Room 302, Unit 2, Block 8
    Olympics Garden
    Meishu Court Phase 2
    18 Huanhu Road
    Dongxihu District
    Wuhan, Hubei

    LAI Janette Tin Yun
    Tricor Services Limited
    5/F, Manulife Place
    348 Kwun Tong Road
    Hong Kong

  • Principal bankers

    (in alphabetical order) 

    Agricultural Bank of China Limited
    Meiling, Wuhan Branch
    137-1 Donghu Road
    Wuchang District, Wuhan
    The PRC

    China Construction Bank Corporation
    Wuhan Branch
    1 Zhongnanlu, Wuchang District
    Wuhan City, Hubei
    The PRC

    China Minsheng Banking Corp., Ltd.
    Wuhan Zhongnan Branch
    No. 1 Zhongbei Road
    Wuchang District, Wuhan
    The PRC

    Hubei Bank Corporation Limited
    Sales department, Head office
    86 Zhongbei Road
    Wuchang District, Wuhan
    The PRC

    Audit Committee

    HE Weifeng (Chairman)
    PENG Litang
    LI Guangdou

    Remuneration Committee

    PENG Litang (Chairman)
    WANG Shujin
    HE Weifeng

    Nomination Committee

    CHEN Jicheng (Chairman)
    LI Guangdou
    PENG Litang

    Compliance Adviser

    Rainbow Capital (HK) Limited
    Room 5B, 12/F, Tung Ning Building
    No. 2 Hillier Street
    Sheung Wan
    Hong Kong